Film Screening of “Persona Non Grata” at Kazerne Dossin


On December 2, as part of its 5th Anniversary, Kazerne Dossin in Mechelen (Memorial, Museum and Documentation Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights), the Lithuanian Embassy in Belgium and the Embassy of Japan in Belgium co-organized a film screening of “Persona Non Grata”, in attendance of Governor of Antwerp Province Ms. Berkx, members from the Jewish community in Belgium, Ambassador Hayashi and his spouse, Ms. Kono and Ms. Ikoma. Prior to the screening, speeches were given by the Director of the museum, Honorary President of the Jewish Central Consistory of Belgium and holocaust survivor Prof. Klener, Ambassador Hayashi, Ambassador of Lithuania Mr. Varvuolis and Vice President of 'Hidden Child' Ms. Sluszny. Honorary President Klener said we have a duty to pass on the memory of Chiune Sugihara's achievement, of saving the lives of 6,000 Jewish people by issuing visas for them based on his personal conviction, to future generations. Ambassador Hayashi stated that the screening today of a film at Kazerne Dossin is profoundly meaningful, in a view that the film depicts how in 1942 Mr. Sugihara, who then served as Vice-Consul to Kaunas, Lithuania, issuing visas in extreme circumstances, for saving the lives of Jewish people who had no place to go.

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